Q & A

Q & A Page
Title Servo motor for Bangladesh
Name 관리자
Company 0
Telephone -DCODE LTD
Dear Mr. Shumu

First thank you for visit our website. I carefully read your offer however clutch motor by energy saving servo motor is not in our product line. Sorry for the information.

If you are interested in Closed Loop Stepping Motor System, please contact me again.

Thank you very much
Ali Han

> Dear Sir ,
> We are a company in Bangladesh. We sell energy saving products to our clients. Few of our clients requires servo motor for their sewing machine. Would you be interested to explore this market.
> Bangladesh market at a glance :
> The readymade garment industry has been the largest exporter of Bangladesh. At least 3 million machines are in operation. approximately 2 million uses clutch motor. Now they are replacing clutch motor by energy savings servo motor.
> Please let me know your interest.
> Regards
> shumu
> 880 1711533514
Files 880 1711533514