Q & A

Q & A Page
Title EziServoST technical question
Name 관리자
Company 0
Telephone -YILDIZ Industrial
Dear Hakan,

Thank you for your leaving us technical questionnaire on your website and sorry for late response.
We have investigated your technical questions but not to make it all clear, here I need few more information from your side.

1. Product information
A. Please inform me serial number of product what you operate now.
B. Which distributor supplied our products?
2. Phenomenon of error generation
A. You described 0.5mm of position error happened according to 300mm of position movement command.
i. Do you get always 0.5mm of position error whenever you execute 300mm of position movement?
ii. Or value of position error can be different randomly?
① In this case, we are able to guess Noise issue.
3. Mechanical Information
A. I understand you are sure there won’t be mechanical error but for deeper analysis, would you please provide few more information of your mechanisms?
i. Are you using ball screw system? If so,
① What is pitch and stroke?
ii. Are you using pulley and belt system? If so,
① What is size of pulley diameter and tooth of belt?
B. Once we get these information, we can calculate position error as pulse.
4. Encoder Value
A. Are you able to check actual position value against your command position thru MACH3 controller?
B. If possible, what is actual position and command position value from your controller?
C. We are able to check whether position error comes from mechanical part or from incorrect pulse command transfer between controller and our drive.
5. In case of tuning of gain and resolution, it does not have any relation from position error.

Once again, sorry to let you feel inconvenience and hope to get your more information soon.


> Hi,
> We are using EziServoST 86XL motor and driver for the X axis of a prototype CNC machine, we made some upgrades to the gantry and now we have a problem with the motor accuracy, the problem is;
> in +X direction the axis moves more than it is commanded by the controller, error increase with the movement, for example it moves 0,5mm more when the axis commanded to move 300mm but it returns to the 0 point without an error. We could not fix this by adjusting the controller, actually this error is fixed, whatever we adjust in the controller error keeps the same. There is no mechanical error in the axis which can cause this much error, Y and Z axises are working normal without any error and these axises have regular stepper motors.
> There is an position gain and in position adjustment on the driver but in the manual there is not enough description about these adjustments, what are they? can they fix this problem? and if not, what can cause this much error in this axis? thanks.
> The controller is Mach4 PC based controller with 4Mhz Ethernet Smooth Stepper motion controller, resolution set to 7200 on the driver.
> Regards,
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